Forest bathing

Here at Go Wild we have an amazing forest.I’m going to introduce forest bathing very soon.‘Forest Bathing’ Is amazing for Your Health and wellbeing of the mind. Also known as Shinrin-Yoku, in Japanese means “forest,” and yoku means “bath.” So shinrin-yoku means bathing in the forest atmosphere, or taking in the forest through your senses.The […]

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BYOG competition results

Thank to everyone that came along to our first members competition. Whilst the weathers a little inclement it didn’t dampen the fun. Congrats to Rob, taking first prize winning a full 7 days of free shooting and also for taking lots of pictures and videos (to follow!!). In the coming weeks I’ll be setting out […]

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Great news for upgrades

As from today anyone who books the upgrade for their special weapons experience will get not just one magazine with 12 rounds in each pistol, they will get 2 completely full magazines with every pistol. So you can now have so much more fun with our guns!

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A Big Thank you

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who cam to visit Go Wild last week. Some of you travelled from as far away as Scotland, so thank you. I’m please to say we were fully booked every day last week including a great uptake on Archery. Don’t forget archery is on a […]

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