Here at Go Wild we have an amazing forest.I’m going to introduce forest bathing very soon.‘Forest Bathing’ Is amazing for Your Health and wellbeing of the mind. Also known as Shinrin-Yoku, in Japanese means “forest,” and yoku means “bath.” So shinrin-yoku means bathing in the forest atmosphere, or taking in the forest through your senses.The sounds of the forest, the scent of the trees, the feel of the bark, the sunlight dappling through the leaves, the fresh, clean air — these things give us a sense of comfort. They ease our stress and worry, help us to relax and to think more clearly. Being in nature can restore our mood, give us back our energy and vitality, refresh and rejuvenate us.It’s been practised for thousands of years, and it’s a perfect escape from what what we’ve all been through this last year or so. Guaranteed to make you feel refreshed and clear mind.Have you noticed when you sit by an open fire, you end up just staring into it and drifting off with your thoughts? we call it cave man TV!! it’s good for the soul…..why not drop us a message to enquire about booking your place.
Forest bathing